Distripress annual congress opens in Dubai

The first MENA edition of the Distripress Congress opened yesterday and will run until Thursday, October 6, 2016 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.  The congress acts as an international meeting point for everyone involved in the distribution and marketing of all press products including; newspapers, and periodicals. In opening the congress, Managing Director of Distripress, Tracy Jones welcomed the 450 member delegates from 47 countries with welcoming remarks also presented by Giselle Pettyfyer, CEO of Facon and Associates.  A panel session of speakers including; Carine Nevejans, Distripress President; Peter Newbould, International Trading Director, W H Smith; Anne-Marie Couderc, President, Presstalis and John Lafranier, CEO, Disticor; were also present to discuss and focus on the need to innovate, embrace change and move forward in the distribution industry – strategically.