C&B launches influencer marketing arm

Cicero & Bernay Public Relations (C&B) launches an influencer communication programme, See & Be. Headed by Jamal H. Iqbal, Director – Brand Outreach at C&B, the new division aims to incorporate influencer engagement into communication campaigns by identifying an ideal match between influencers and client objectives.

“With the speed at which social media has penetrated the region’s consumers, and their affinity towards local influencers, we felt now was the time for new-age PR agencies such as ours to launch a full fledged influencer communication division,’ says Jamal. “See & Be is aimed at streamlining the disjoint between influencer programme leaders and implementers. While influencers and their social media offer optimised channels for delivery, content still rules, and campaigns must be charted keeping in mind granular accountability at every stage.”