
NPI renews strategy focus for 2015

Following a rebranding campaign in the summer of this year, npimedia (NPI) now plans to focus on the development of its concierge portfolio of magazines as of 2015. NPI currently has the largest single portfolio of audited titles in the UAE, with all five concierge editions – including concierge Arabic, Chinese and Russian – standing alone in the market as the only magazines in these languages with a guaranteed circulation. NPI will be further developing these titles, as well as enhancing its offering with a new and innovative digital platform, launching at the end of the year.

NPI’s strategy for 2015 will be centred around consolidating and developing its existing media brands, having decided to refocus efforts and move away from contract publishing works that are not directly aligned with long-term development objectives. In line with this, NPI has made the decision to cease publishing The Dubai Mall Magazine, produced on behalf of Emaar Malls Group.

“We have had a very successful collaboration with Emaar Malls Group over the last four years to establish a new title in the market that elevates The Dubai Mall brand,” says Rob Nicholas, Managing Director, NPI. “It is both well respected and well supported, and we leave the magazine in a fantastic position for 2015.”