Hype Editor, Lesley Wright

Name: Lesley Wright

Age: Old enough to know better

From: Glasgow via London

Current job title: Editor, Hype Magazine

When did you arrive in the UAE? Friday, September 13, 2013

Where did you work prior? I was self-employed as a Marketing & PR consultant, but previous to that I spent nine years as the Editor of DJ Magazine, based in London, which is considered by many as the leading club culture and DJ magazine in the world.

Had you been to Dubai before accepting your new role? No, it’s my first time in the city. I landed here just three weeks after accepting the job so it was a pretty quick – and hectic – turnaround.

What are your first impressions of the media industry in the Middle East? Vibrant, healthy and forward thinking with room for continued growth. It’s a far cry to the state of play back in the UK.

Tell us about your new role… To hit the ground running with Motivate Publishing’s new weekly music and nightlife title, Hype. The magazine is free every Wednesday and we’re currently publishing 20,000 copies each week. You’ll also find Hype in the seat pocket on Emirates flights.

What challenges are you facing? None at work, really. Everyone that I’ve spoken to on the club scene has been very helpful and is delighted that Dubai and the UAE will have a music and clubbing magazine they can call their own. Away from work, I’d say training for the London Marathon in this heat might prove challenging. I’m used to running in sleet and snow during the winter.

How do you plan to make your mark? By creating a magazine with substance that’s engaging for the reader and enticing for advertisers. Overall, creating a magazine that local artists and DJs are proud to be featured in.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job? The music. It takes the stress out of everything.

What’s the most exciting thing to happen so far? That will be this coming weekend with Stanton Warriors and Bicep playing for Audio Tonic, at 360°, and James Zabiela playing for Plus Minus Sessions, at Nasimi Beach. It’s going to be epic.

How do you find the PRs in the region? I’m still getting to know who’s who and what’s what on that front, but I have to say that a few have already gone that extra mile for Hype.

What’s your pet PR peeve? Receiving press releases that leave off vital information. It’s happened twice in the past week.

What advice can you offer PRs seeking coverage in your magazine? Get in touch nice and early so that coverage can be properly planned and thought-out. Trust me, it’s a win-win situation.

Work calls via landline, mobile or both? I’m always on the go, so my mobile is best, although it may take a few more days to get the line connected.

Describe yourself in five words… Always seeking the next challenge.

What’s your most overused saying? Do you know what I mean?

Five things you can’t live without? Music. That’s about it, really.

If you weren’t a journalist, what would you be? On a stage somewhere, acting maybe.


Email Lesley at Lesley@motivate.ae or drop her a call on +971 (0)4 427 3062 / +971 (0)52 737 0711

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