
Five Minute Focus – MENA Effie Awards 2017

With the MENA Effie Awards coming up, Team TMN sits down with Alexandre Hawari, Co-CEO at Mediaquest, to find out what to expect from the upcoming event…

When is the MENA Effie Awards 2017 and where will it be held?

The MENA Effie Awards will take place on November 15, 2017 at The Pavilion, Armani Hotel, Dubai.

Tell us about the concept behind the Awards…

Effie Worldwide stands for effectiveness in marketing communications, spotlighting marketing ideas that work and encouraging thoughtful dialogue about the drivers of marketing effectiveness. The Effie network works with some of the top research and media organisations worldwide to bring its audience relevant and first-class insights into effective marketing strategy.

Launched in 1968, the Effie Awards program honours the most effective advertising efforts and is known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre-eminent award in the industry. The Effie Awards celebrates effectiveness worldwide, by continually raising the bar through the Global Effies and the Positive Change Effies, as well as regional programs in Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East / North Africa, North America, Latin America and more than 40 national Effie programs.

As a Co-CEO at Mediaquest Corp., why did you feel the need to launch the Effie Awards in the region?

The region is transforming and we needed to acknowledge and celebrate the people and companies that are helping in this transformation. Hence, in 2009, we joined forces with the world-renowned Effie Worldwide to become the GEMAS Effie MENA Awards, which are now called MENA Effie Awards.

Today, the Effie Awards are known by advertisers and agencies globally as the pre-eminent award in the industry that recognises any and all forms of marketing communication that contribute to a brand’s success.

What are the challenges you face to make each year’s MENA Effie Awards different and meaningful?

The one factor that makes the MENA Effie Awards stand out as an award program is our transparency and credibility of the awards, which is something that is of utmost importance to us and we need to ensure it is well respected.

We work with some of the top research and media organisations worldwide to bring the audience relevant and first-class insights into effective marketing strategy.

Can you give us some details about the nomination process?

Simply log on to our website, for full details on how to submit your entry.

Do you have any feedback or tips for submissions, to help them stand out?

The most fundamental question judges ask of an Effie submission is, ‘How persuasively have the authors made their case?’ – followed closely by ‘What were they trying to achieve and how ambitious were they in the first place?’

Entrants need to review and understand the criteria on which the questions are based in order to be able to answer the fundamental questions judges ask. There are some common mistakes that entrants make, such as the following, which need to be avoided.

  • Results/data not referenced
  • Case study needs
  • Agency name or logos published on the entry form or on the creative materials
  • Including results or competitive work/logos on the creative reel
  • Failing to follow the formatting requirements
  • Missing translation

Judges read so many cases at one go, so they are looking for a case to be coherent and also to ensure that entrants have managed to state their objectives, ideas and key performance indicators (KPIs) clearly for them to be able to judge. Most importantly, for the results, judges look for direct correlations between real objectives and results and to check that they are properly sourced.

The more precise and relevant the documentation, the stronger the case, and the higher chances entrants have to win.

Who will be judging the entries for the MENA Effie Awards?

Being an Effie judge is one of the toughest jobs because as a judge you are not only raising the bar for the industry by the winners you select, but you are at the same time sending a message to the industry on different levels about marketing effectiveness. Due to this very reason, the judges who are on the panel are marketing veterans from the industry, chief marketing officers, vice presidents, marketing directors/managers, corporate communications and brand managers. The MENA Effie Awards are also focused on enhancing learning in our industry and what better way to do that than to have the industry as part of the jury panel?

Can you tell us more about the awards/categories themselves?

The categories are decided based on the judges’ feedback and depending on how the market is transforming. Based on that, the categories are divided into three segments, Product and Services categories – these categories speak to the overall industry, while Specialty categories are designed to address a specific business situation or challenge and then you have Shopper Marketing, which is for integrated campaigns that were specifically designed to engage a target shopper.

What has been your advertising strategy in the region?

The event targets the marketing and advertising industry in the MENA region. It was extremely complicated to find a cost-effective way to reach this sector, so we relied on many different approaches, such as direct marketing and advertisement in print media, as well as regular above-the-line advertisements, digital advertisements and social media campaigns.

What is the reaction you expect, following the event?

The Effie Effectiveness Index identifies and ranks the marketing communications industry’s most effective agencies, advertisers and brands by analysing finalist, and winner data from Effie Worldwide competitions. The greatest result following the MENA Effie Awards would be how the MENA region brands and agencies stand out and make their names along with the global players and for more great work coming out of the region.

FP7, an agency from the MENA region, has been making its name in the global index for two years in a row and doing better than its global offices.

Can anyone attend the awards ceremony?

The event is open to the marketing and advertising industry across the region, as well as agencies who work along with the clients on their marketing campaigns.

What does the future hold for the MENA Effie Awards in the region?

As an awards program, the MENA Effie Awards have already made its mark in the industry as the Oscars for the marketing industry.

What we now aim for is MENA Effie to become a network for the marketing industry through programs, insights, videos and white papers on effective marketing and other key educational and learning tools focusing on sharing insights on the principles of effective advertising and marketing communications.

PRCA MENA Awards 2017 now open for entries

Nominations for the PRCA MENA Awards 2017, hosted by Public Relations and Communications Association Middle East and North Africa (PRCA MENA), are now open for entries. The deadline for the entries is December 13, 2016, with the finalists to be announced on January 4, 2017. The awards aim to recognise teams and individuals for campaigns that have taken place between November 1, 2015 to November 2, 2016, that can demonstrate strategy, creativity and originality across 12 categories including Best Integrated Campaign, Rising Star of the Year and Best PR Campaign: Media Relations. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony to be held on February 8, 2017 at the H Hotel. Nominations for the awards are currently open and can be made through

“I am delighted that the first PRCA MENA awards are open for entries, celebrating excellence in PR and communications across the region,” says Leanne Foy, General Manager, PRCA MENA. “We have a range of new categories to bring to the region and entries will be judged by our international judging panel.”

SMG Beirut ranked in Directory Big Won Rankings

Starcom Mediavest Group (SMG) Beirut has ranked the third media agency globally in the 2015 Directory Big Won Rankings. The Directory Big Won is one of the most extensive awards ranking reports in the world, compiled from 7,194 awards, 3,406 pieces of work by 1,443 agencies and it has been tracking media networks since 2003.

“This ranking is an aggregate of our company’s stellar performance at awards shows in 2015, and a further testament to the creative talent we have in Beirut and in the region,” says Wilson Issa, Managing Director, SMG Beirut. “This accolade is driven not only by our people, but also by our clients, who continue to support our drive to innovate and transform their businesses.”

PHD start new year on a high

PHD has been named Global Media Network of the Year 2015 by Campaign MENA. The title was awarded to the company in the same year that it celebrated 25 years in media and has won clients including Unilever, GSK, SC Johnson, Ferrero and Bayer. PHD currently operates as a global network, with over 3,000 staff in more than 80 offices worldwide.

“PHD’s challenger positioning and focus on strategic comms planning and creative thinking has really set us apart this year,” says Mike Cooper, Worldwide CEO, PHD. “This point of difference is now starting to have the same draw globally as it has done in the UK over the last decade. Big brands are seeing the value in our global communications planning expertise and our success in that has led to us winning global buying assignments. 2015 should be remembered as the tipping point when buying-focused clients bought planning.”

Noura Al Kaabi joins LinkedIn’s Global Influencers

Noura Al Kaabi, CEO of twofour54, is the first woman from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to be selected for LinkedIn’s Global Influencer Programme, a platform for leaders in their respective geographies and industries to share their insights and discuss topics of interest on the social network aimed at professionals.

Approximately 500 personalities hold the LinkedIn Influencer badge globally, including: His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, President Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Arianna Huffington.

Al Jazeera English wins at Online Media Awards

Al Jazeera English online won three awards at the Online Media Awards in London on Thursday, June 11, 2015. The awards were for Best Technical Innovation, Best Use of Photography and Outstanding Digital Team of the Year, and they were judged by an independent panel from the British Journalism Review.

The Best Technical Innovation and Outstanding Digital Team of the Year titles were awarded for the Palestine Remix project, which was a network-wide initiative allowing users to access some of Al Jazeera’s documentaries on Palestine. The project also included interactive maps and timelines to help users understand and contextualise the Palestine issue. The Best Use of Photography award was given for Al Jazeera’s Portrait of a yogi, which was a photographic exploration into the power of yoga to unite people across cultural and physical divides.

“This recognition by our peers is a testament to Al Jazeera’s efforts to find new ways of storytelling, and to explain complex issues to a global audience,” says Imad Musa, Head of Online, Al Jazeera English.”Our team is small but incredibly passionate about what they can create, and it’s great that our peers agree that they are the best digital team in the world. We will continue to push the boundaries of original journalism and innovative design.”

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2015 SABRE Awards EMEA winners announced

The 2015 SABRE Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Awards were held on 21 May, 2015 at The Roundhouse in London. Over 650 PR professionals from the EMEA region attended the ceremony to celebrate the winners, selected from 2,400 entries.

Among the agencies to have won were Roche Lebanon with Memac Ogilvy Public Relations for their Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, Al Baik with TRACCS for their Park it Right campaign, Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange with Weber Shandwick for their The DGC-X-Factor! How DGCX Transformed its Regional and Global Profile campaign and Canon with DABO & CO for the Canon Cabast trade show. UN Women with Memac Ogilvy Public Relations – Dubai, were also nominated as finalists for the Platinum Sabre award for Best in Show for their campaign, The Autocomplete Truth.

Global agency Weber Shandwick won five awards in total on the night, with Memac Ogilvy winning three. Ketchum was presented with four awards for its clients, and Burson-Marsteller and Edelman (including Elan and DABO & CO) won three.